Fears & Phobias
Ready to try a life less scary?
Unique tools to help you get back on track.
Hypnotherapy offers a relaxing, forward-looking and positive option for those looking to regain control over a specific fear or phobia. You could start enjoying those things you really want to do in as little as 3 sessions!
Your personalised treatment plan not only has the potential to provide fast-acting feelings of renewed control over your fear or phobia, but also allow you to learn techniques that you can use, adapt and enjoy throughout your life to maintain your wellbeing now and in the future.
It is recommended to arrange a Discovery Call to discuss your fear or phobia, your goal, timeframe and to work out the best possible solution with the highest chance of success. Please use the button below to request your Discovery Call.

Mel's Success Story
"I have found Kim’s Hypnotherapy sessions incredibly helpful over the past 6 months.
I initially sought hypnotherapy to address a life long phobia and was pleasantly surprised to find the regular sessions helped me combat my phobia and lead to improvements in my overall feeling of well-being. I have noticed an increase in my confidence and resilience as a result of Kim’s professional and effective Hypnotherapy techniques.
I highly recommend her."
Fears & Phobias

5-Star Google & Facebook Reviews
Fear of Sailing: "Cruise was great with fantastic weather........Thanks for your help before I went, we had a mini emergency with our dog who was poorly in the night before we were going and if I hadn't seen you previously I'm not sure if I was going to get onto the boat, so thanks again" - Client J
What is it?
An intensely negative emotional and/or physical reaction to a specific thing, often out of proportion to any potential danger posed. Feelings of imminent danger when none/little is present.
Does Hypnotherapy work?
Hypnotherapy can be highly successful in the treatment of all sorts of fears & phobias. Some clients have gone on to not only face their fears/phobias but actually incorporate them in their enjoyed pastimes! Everyone is unique, and so is their journey.
Who gets it?
Often developing in childhood and gaining intensity with age, can be predominant between the ages of 15-20. Affects both men and women equally. Can develop/be an issue at any age.
How does Hypnosis help?
If suitable, a 3-stage process for the treatment of fears/phobias can be used. Including a Relaxation session, Rewind session & Reframe session. This provides the potential to desensitize the fear or phobia and replace that old template with a new, positive experience.
How can it effect me?
Emotional responses lead on to physical reactions such as feelings of dizziness, nausea, beating heart, sweating, crying, chest pains, etc. Can lead you to not partake in things you like to avoid the fear or phobia.
How long will it take?
During your free Discovery Call I will assess whether your fear/phobia might be effectively treated by the Rewind-Reframe process. If so, we will book 3
50 minute (approx.) sessions in a time period to match your requirements. Alternative options can be discussed if required.