Panic Attacks
Ready to learn techniques to help manage panic?
Unique tools to help you get back on track.
Hypnotherapy can offer a relaxing, forward-looking and positive option for those looking to learn new ways to find relief from panic attacks and assist you in managing their related symptoms. A guided step on the road to wellbeing.
Solution Focussed Hypnotherapy is a style of therapy where the focus is very much on the solution and, by working in this way, we can learn new ways of coping and managing stressful thoughts and situations.
Your personalised treatment plan will be centred around you and your goals. The process can often facilitate fast-acting feelings of relief from panic attacks and the worry, stress and anxiety they can cause, allowing you to learn new patterns and templates that you can use, adapt and enjoy to maintain your wellbeing now and in the future.
You will learn practical skills that you can use from the first session to take back control and this, coupled with the powerful, long-lasting benefits of hypnotherapy, can help you quickly take back control of your thoughts, feelings and reactions.
Panic Attacks

5-Star Google & Facebook Reviews
Sarah's Success Story
"I started experiencing panic attacks after having my first baby. Whether it was the lack of sleep, the feeling of huge responsibility or something else, I don't know, but once they happened that first time they started becoming more and more frequent. It began to put me off leaving the house for fear of having a panic attack and often the fear and worry of the attack would bring an attack on. I struggled for some years and tried other methods of treatment, without much success, but eventually stumbled across hypnotherapy quite by accident. I decided I had nothing to loose, so gave it a try. I'm so glad I did! It literally changed my life. I'm now free of panic attacks and, when I do start to feel any early symptoms of one coming on, I am able to take control of my mind and emotions and so control my body and avoid the panic attack taking hold. I'm so thankful for the hypnotherapy I received"
What is it?
Severe and sudden physical and emotional reactions of intense stress and fear created in the mind of the sufferer to a perceived threat or danger, even when none might be present in reality.
Does Hypnotherapy work?
Hypnotherapy has successfully helped many people to learn new coping mechanisms and tools to reduce the effect panic attacks have on their daily lives. Everyone is unique, and so is their journey.
Who gets it?
Although women are more than twice as likely to suffer panic attacks, many men also experience the issue at some point in their lives. From childhood to latter life, panic attacks can strike at any age.
How does Hypnosis help?
Watch the
'What's it all about?'
video to find out more and provide an answer to many common questions about hypnotherapy.
How can it effect me?
It can be a very frightening experience triggering many physical symptoms from a racing heart, dizziness, sweating, nausea, chest pains, etc. Fear of panic attacks can result in stopping doing things you previously enjoyed.
How long will it take?
Each session lasts approx. 50 minutes. Clients often have around 6-12 sessions, but everyone is different. You will be in control and we will devise a treatment plan together. Additional resources are provided to support your journey.