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Feeling stressed, worried or anxious about the news? 10 Quick tips to help.

Writer: Kim Sweetland HypnotherapyKim Sweetland Hypnotherapy

Situations like the World is facing at the moment can be very tricky for our minds, especially overactive ones, to navigate. With news and updates now available 24/7 we can find it hard to keep control of negative thoughts and emotions and this can quickly become debilitating. You might feel distracted at work, unable to rest properly at night, unable to focus on our kids or ourselves, just unable to switch off.

10 tips that may help:

1) Set aside a time/times each day when you are going to watch or catch up on the news and keep to a time limit - Choose a time when you know you have the ability to think about things rationally and relax afterwards (right before bed is not a good time). 2) Turn off news notifications outside these set times. 3) Put your phone on silent once you go to bed. 4) Ask a friend or relative to update you on any major changes, rather than watching/reading the news yourself if you become very triggered. 5) Find practical ways you can help - Feeling useless in these situations can be a big cause of stress, so look into what you CAN do. Maybe look at charities needing assistance, local vigils, etc. 6) Recognise and accept that you find the information difficult to process and be kind to yourself about that. 7) Make time to relax and do things you enjoy - Sometimes we can feel guilty for finding pleasure in things when others are suffering, but we can do nothing to help if we don't help ourselves first. Think of the putting your oxygen mask on first advice on flights as an example. 8) Allow yourself plenty of time to rest - Switch off devices, do something you find relaxing, provide yourself with ample time to sleep. 9) Give yourself 'worry time' - If you find that negative thoughts, worry and anxiety are creeping into too many hours of your day consider setting yourself a specific worry time. This can be 10 minutes at a quiet time of your day when you give yourself permission to worry about anything you feel you need to, but once the time is up you tell yourself, 'My worry time is up. I will worry about this again at my next worry time". This can be a good way of taking control of your thoughts, without trying the impossible task of not worrying at all. 10) If you are continuing to struggle and/or your stress, anxiety or worry start effecting your life in unmanageable ways always reach out to someone for help. This could be a friend or relative, a colleague, a GP, a therapist, etc. Don't struggle alone.

Wishing you all a peaceful day, Kim



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