Ok you Mums, young and old, it's time to stop beating yourself up, feeling a failure, feeling trapped and stuck and controlled and and and.......well, all those really rubbish things that smoking can make us feel.
Everything to do with smoking, from when it first came to the West through to the present day, is carefully designed and orchestrated to make you feel this way. The more stuck, addicted, trapped, and low you feel the more unlikely you will try to quit and/or succeed if you dare to try. The more you fail, the more stuck you feel.
Feeling ashamed that you're still a smoker when you have children? Sneaking out to the garden, the street, the shed to quickly have a fag whilst the kids are distracted? Feeling guilty for being angry towards the children when you're really angry because you need a cigarette? Waiting until the children have gone to bed to have that desperately needed fag (or 2, or 3...) then they call you from bed! Trying to quickly fit in one more cigarette before the children come home from school? Can I get to the local shop and back before the kids notice because I've run out of cigarettes and I'm literally going insane? What if they catch me? What if it makes them start at a young age? What if I have to tell them I have cancer from smoking? What if I die?
Any of this sound familiar? All this pain, and stress, and fear, and anguish that smoking causes would cause anyone to reach for the packet......at least then I don't have to feel stressed about not smoking as well!
I know all this personally, because this was me too. I'm ashamed to say it, like most of us are, but I was a smoking Mum. Not when I was pregnant, but some stress or other sent me right back to it when they were little. Going to bed every night saying, 'That's it. I'm never smoking again. Tomorrow I'm giving up for good!" But tomorrow always came with new stresses and it was just too hard. So many failed attempts. Such dwindling confidence.
That was 4 years ago now. 4 years ago I had hypnotherapy to help me stop smoking, out of sheer desperation.......and now I'm the hypnotherapist. Now I help women (and men) like you, week in and week out to find their way out of this smoking trap.
Did you know Hypnotherapy has the highest success rate of all recorded smoking cessation methods? It's time to stop blaming yourself and time to get the support you deserve.
Please use the contact me buttons found throughout the website or the Contact page to find out more about my one-off, stop smoking sessions available face-to-face locally or virtually via Zoom. Visit the testimonials to read stories of amazing women, just like you, who have successful giving up smoking and vaping with the aid of Hypnotherapy.
Best wishes, Kim